The Land of Rodozem
Explore the mythical world of Rodozem - a fairytale land come to life!
Rodozem was named after Rod the Primordial Creator and was the first land in the cosmos to give birth to mortal races. Once, gods and mortals walked its soil in unison though that changed aeons ago and is nothing but a myth. Rodozem has many faces - from sky-scraping, snow covered mountain ranges, to great green pastures and sandy shores caressed by the seas.

The Queendom of Whirlwind
Whirlwind is an enormous economic and military power in Rodozem. Three sisters rule united and with their resolve have turned the land into a prosperous queendom to be reckoned with. The three sisters each reside in three cities respectively, known as the Tri-Crown Capitals: Mednogorsk, the City of Copper; Srebrograd, the City Of Silver; and lastly Zheleznigorod, the City of Iron.

The Village of Ardino
The village of Ardino is nestled amidst the alpine evergreen forests in the heart of the Rodopa mountain range, near the border of the Queendom of Whirlwind, in the province of Mednogorsk. Ardino takes its name after Arda, the powerful river flows down from the mountains around the village. Long ago, a famous hero named Bogdan “The Bright” Yaremir was the first person to build a residence on the land that would become the village of Ardino.
Today, the village is famous amongst pilgrims travelling to Ravenstone and is also a tourist destination - a retreat away from the city where one can taste the famous Mavrud wine.
In recent years, the crown has taken an interest in Ardino and has ordered the construction of a stone bridge over the river Arda as the first part of the slow, arduous task of expanding Ardino into a town.
Explore the vibrant communities and cultures, uncover the uncharted territories of the mythical lands of Rodozem, and find where fairytale meets history in our new adventure, The Devil’s Bridge!